
Underworld Evolution (2006)

Originally Written
Monday, February 6, 2006

Underworld Evolution picks up exactly where the first film left off, first by providing you with a little history into the Corvinus brothers, Markcus and William. As told both brothers were of an unusual blood line that made them immortal. One brother later bitten by a bat and the other by a wolf initiated the beginning of the age of the Vampire and the Werewolf. Markcus acquired the allegiance of a powerful king named Viktor, and gave him the gift of immortality. Viktor took his new found immortality and took control as leader over the Vampires, making the Werewolves slaves. He captured Markcus's brother William and imprisoned him in a secret location, he believe if he killed William it would destroy all his slaves, so he kept him alive and out of reach.

Now present day, Markcus has been awaken by the blood of a Lycan and has become a monstrous beast. He seeks the location of his brother's prison whom he will release and begin a new race of hybrid beasts of which he will rule over. Meanwhile Selene begins to realize her whole part in the cover-up of the war, as she discovers why her parents were killed, why she was kept alive, and the history behind the Corvinus brothers. Now realizing what Markcus plans to do, she must stop him before he releases his brother and unleashes havoc upon the world that no man has ever seen before.

Underworld Evolution is definitely a must see for the fans of the original, but in my opinion strays from the unique ambiance that made the original so great. This time around Underworld Evolution really teeters on the line of Tomb Raider quality, where there was once an interesting story there's now only massive amounts of violence with a storyline you couldn't care a whole lot about. With that said the action sequences are very entertaining especially the final battle and the helicopter sequence, which is worth the viewing alone. The special effects are much improved upon the original, I like the more classic look of the Werewolves in this film, as they are more authentic and primitive and therefore appear to be more of a threat for the main characters. Also Markcus makes a very compelling villain and a very menacing Vampire, who has the ability to morph into a very large grotesque bat.

Unlike the original Underworld Evolution doesn't contain much dialogue, therefore the filler is more blood, guts, and action, which isn't bad but also doesn't set this film apart from a typical action film. This was my biggest fear, but while Underworld Evolution leaves behind it's predecessor's uniqueness and creativity it still manages to save itself from being just another action film. While the film lacks a strong storyline, it ramps up the action that was possibly lacking from the first film by almost three fold managing to outdo it's own ending in the first film with a final twenty minute battle that's both brutal and exhilarating.

In the end, Underworld Evolution is the product of attempting to appeal to a wider audience by transforming it into a more typical vampire based action film. While the additional action is welcome, the perfect sequel would have been a combination of Underworld's excellent storyline with this films' action and special effects. So if you enjoyed the first film, be prepared to witness a completely different film in the sequel, the best comparison I can make is it's a ramped up Gothic version of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, with buckets of blood, and a little more skin, which still ends up being highly entertaining if that's you're forte, just don't expect the caliber of story and direction as seen in the original.


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