
Attack from Space (1965)

Fans of Japanese cinema unite! Starman has returned with another US release in Attack from Space! Sadly it appears even sequels to B-movies are seemingly worse than the originals. While I halfheartedly praised the corniness of Atomic Rulers of the World, I at least hoped for a little more variety in the series followup, but Attack from Space is only more of the same and even reuses some of the previous film's footage!

Once again Starman is returning to Earth to assist in preventing a nuclear attack by a race known as the Spherions, who suspiciously look human to me. The biggest flaw in this film are the drawn out scenes of flying through space, and the 10 minute fight scene which becomes quite repetitious after a couple minutes. Plus Starman, the hero of the film, is absent for a period of almost twenty minutes prior to the story's conclusion leaving you with characters who aren't remotely entertaining.

The only upside to Attack from Space is it's slew of illogical inconsistencies. The writers obviously didn't care one bit if this film was anywhere near realistic, which was the only aspect of the film that made it worth watching (some these I've listed down below). Overall, unless you're a die-hard fan of bad Japanese science fiction or really love the Starman series this one is worth skipping.

What I Learned
  • There is wind in space.
  • Asian children have American cartoon voices.
  • You can buy spaceship parts at your local hardware store.
  • The cemetery is a great place for a bunker of an evil alien race.
  • You can destroy a space station simply by breaking it's antenna.
  • Spaceships only travel at a max of 120 mph.
  • It takes 30 minutes to warm up a spaceship's engine.
  • You can fire bullets in space.
  • There's breathable air in space.


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