
The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962)

Returning once again to the Mills Creek 250 Horror Movie Collection I bring you the first, of hopefully many more, reader chosen reviews. Check the end of this review for a link to where you can choose which film from this collection I review next and in return I'll shamelessly plug your blog when I review the film(s) you've chosen.

Hoping someone else might have better success in choosing a decent film from this collection, I'm sorely once again rewarded with another stinker of a B-Movie in The Brain That Wouldn't Die. A film surrounding a surgeon whose been experimenting with tissues and organs in an attempt to take the process of human transplants to a whole new level. When his girlfriend is killed in a car accident he manages to save her head (which somehow just falls off her body) and is able to keep it alive with his special mixture of chemicals. But the head can only stay alive for a short period of time and he must find her a body before it's too late. Unbeknown to him his girlfriend's head is quite angry at him for doing this, and has gained some psychic ability giving her control over a ghastly beast he's created and locked up in a closet, with which she plans to stop him before he murders an innocent girl to keep her alive!

The Brain That Wouldn't Die is pretty awful, for starters how does someones head just fall off in an accident! The doctor crashes his car with his girlfriend inside, he flies through the windshield and down a hill and ends up with no injury, she doesn't fly out of the car but her head falls off. I guess this is a lesson that you should not wear your seat-belt, your better off rolling down a hill! Of course I'm not going to test this theory, but that seems to be what this film ultimately promotes, wear a seat-belt and lose your head! In the end, this is another B-movie only worth watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 style and I believe that episode is available on DVD, check that out if your interested but leave the uncommentated version alone.

What I Learned

Don't wear your seat belt.
Heads don't have hearts, and are therefore evil by nature.
Michael Jackson might still be alive if someone and brought his head back to life and found him a body.
Beware of Doctors who are overly eager to help you, for free.


This review is brought to you by Alex from Film Forager, if your head falls off when you get into a car accident don't blame her you're the one that wore your seat-belt! If you would like to be a sponsor for a bad horror movie review please visit Mills Creek 250 Horror Collection and adopt a movie that is less fortunate than you!

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