
Name That Movie Poster 4.0 - Round 1

Okay so lets try this for real, if you don't know how to play check out the rules and the trial round HERE.

Some people thought the trial round was quite hard, so
I've made this as easy as I possibly could without basically giving the posters away. Give this one a shot and take your best guesses if the turnout is low for the first couple rounds I might have to put this on the back-burner for a while but we'll see how it goes.

Those answered correctly:
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1. Contact - 57% answered correctly - 1 pt
2. LA Confidential - 57% answered correctly - 1 pt
3. The Unborn - 43% answered correctly - 1 pt
4. 0% answered correctly - will be carried on to next round
5. Good Luck Chuck - 43% answered correctly - 1 pt
6. Trick 'r Treat - 29% answered correctly - 1 pt

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Total scores
Univarn - 5 pts
Fitz - 3 pts
Danny King - 2 pts
Lemmy Caution - 2 pts
thistimeitwillbedifferent - 2 pts
24hourstomidnight - 1 pt
That Show Sucks - 1 pt

Next round will probably be up tomorrow.


  1. I definitely know 3: The Unborn

    5: Good Luck Chuck

  2. 2 - L.A Confidential
    6 - Trick 'r Treat

    4 and 5 are on the tip of my tongue but I just can't get them. One of those where I'll kick myself when I see the answers.

  3. 1) Contact 2) LA Confidential 3) Uninvited

    Not sure at all about 4,5,6.

  4. Heaven help me - #5 is Good Luck Chuck.

  5. You've got me on most of these. But I'm going to venture that 1. is Contact and 2. is HEAT. I have absolutely no clue about the others.

  6. 1) Contact
    2) LA Confidential
    3) The Unborn

    Don't know the rest.

  7. 1. contact
    2. L.A. Confidential
    3. The Unborn
    5. Good Luck Chuck???
    6. Trick R Treat

    4 is the only one I don't even have a guess for, something I find annoying as I know the second I find out what it is it'll be so obvious.


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