
Zombieland (2009)

Believe it or not I hadn't heard of Zombieland until a few weeks ago when I was browsing movie trailers on YouTube. After watching the trailer (which was hilarious) I was all set to see a film that usually doesn't appeal to me with a cast of actors I've either never heard or never cared a whole lot about. Needless to say, for a person like myself who rarely ventures to the theaters to see anything that doesn't star Russell Crowe, Kate Beckinsale or Rachel McAdams, and who definitely doesn't pay to see horror films, this was one of the few moments taking a chance on something different based on the trailer alone paid off!

In a world overrun by the living dead, those who manage to survive would be wise to adhere to a series of sensible rules to make sure they continue to stay alive. These rules were created by loner and nerd known as Columbus. Columbus has never been much of a people person, admitting before Zombies took over the world he avoided regular people as if they were Zombies, now he actually misses people. Searching for some family connection Columbus begins a journey home, on the way he runs into Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), a gun toting, SUV driving redneck with a love of zombie killing and Twinkies. Together the two unlikely duo head east searching for any sign of human life. Along the way the two of them run into two sisters Wichita and Little Rock, it's a meeting which starts out a little rough, for the guys, but soon enough the four of them will realize it's better to stick together than attempt to survive alone.

Without a very deep storyline, Zombieland finds it's real success in the three C's: characters, comedy, and cameos. Columbus and Tallahassee cover the first two alone as the chemistry of completely opposite characters allows for almost anything to happen and for it to be funny. Columbus is played by Jesse Eisenberg, an actor I've never heard of before but would swear he was the younger brother of Michael Cera based on looks, personality and voice. Woody Harrelson as Tallahassee is a no-brainer just on Harrelson's resume of past work alone. Harrelson has that certain ruckus dumb wit about him that never seems to grow old. The two female roles are played by by Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin, personally I could have taken them or left them, they didn't add much personality to the film. Essentially they're purpose was to segway the more heart felt moments of the film, which added in a unique and interesting mix but also at times slowed the film down. As for the big cameo I don't want to reveal too much, but it's fair to say it's one of the better cameos I've ever seen and fits excellent into the film.

Overall, Zombieland is going to get a lot of comparison to a similar zombie romp entitled Shaun of the Dead, personally I believe Zombieland has it beat on all accounts. In fact I'll go as far as saying this is probably as good as any Zombie comedy/horror could possibly be, I don't believe a better film with the same type of premise and plot could be made. With that said Zombieland is by far the funniest comedy or horror of the year, whatever genre you want to throw it into, and if a horror non-enthusiast like myself got that much enjoyment out of this, then it must be good.



  1. Yours is part of a long line of rave reviews from everyone I follow, I've yet to see a review for it under 7 so I'm really looking forward to checking this out. Hope it's not being built up too much for me though, and I end up feeling underwhelmed.

  2. Saw it over the weekend as well. A very fast and fun trip to the cinema. The movie was very funny and surprisingly well done in many respects. Loved the cameo as well. Great use of slow motion throughout...especially during the opening credits.

  3. If you want to see comedy horror movie Zombieland is the first selection of all. it provides lot fun with bit horror. Slow motions studded in to right place in the tape. Though Jennifer's Body (2009) also a comedy horror movie it became flop while Zombieland (2009) became up.


  4. Great review. I've been hearing a lot of positive reaction to this movie. I do really wanna see it myself.

  5. I quite agree. I really enjoyed "Zombieland." I think the key to this movies was the mix of comedy, dark comedy, and just a bit of drama, to keep everything well grounded. Also, not taking its self too seriously helps, but, at the same time, not getting ridiculous.

  6. Great review for a worthy satirical addition to the zombie genre. This film was a surprise hit for this year, something that I---and I'm sure many others as well---did not see coming.

  7. I certainly enjoyed the film like you did. I think this one is definitely more comedy than horror because while there is gore, I was never really frightened during the movie. It is however, one of the funniest movies of 2009.

  8. Thanks for the comment Danny. Yes it's definitely more comedy, although it still seems to be lumped into horror. And after some of the other horror films I've reviewed it seems films don't really have to be scary anymore to be horror.

    But this is a great film, I might even be going to see it again this weekend, which is something I rarely do.

  9. I'm with you in not being a big fan of the whole zombie/horror genre. But I do agree the trailer looks pretty funny and it's good to hear good things about it. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks!

  10. Thanks for the comment Danny. Yes it's definitely more comedy, although it still seems to be lumped into horror. And after some of the other horror films I've reviewed it seems films don't really have to be scary anymore to be horror.

    But this is a great film, I might even be going to see it again this weekend, which is something I rarely do.


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