
Lust for a Vampire (1971)

On the heels of The Vampire Lovers quickly followed the very controversial sequel Lust for a Vampire.  Controversial in the sense that everyone seems to have an extremely different opinon about it.  What's most surprising is the opinions of those who actually worked on it.

Check out the full review at it's new home at Voluptuous Vinyl!


  1. oh, so many vampires around your place these days, I just feel I should drop by only with some garlic in my pocket ;PP

  2. I have one more film to go in this trilogy then I promise I'll review something else in the Hammer library. At least I'm not writing about Twilight!

  3. And I praise thee, sir, for not daring to go into the cinematic darkness called Twilight :)))

  4. Sad to see that this one isnt so good, Vampire Lovers is freaking awesome!

    I recently reviewed quite a few Hammer films on my blog, including Vampire Lovers and Twins of Evil, both dealing with the Karnstein family, and both really good vampire films.

    Its seems like Lust for a Vampire was the one that dropped the ball and ended up sucking.

    Still, Im really interestedin seeing it!

    By the way, Im a new reader, great blog you got going on here! I subscribed! See you around!

  5. I actually didn't think it sucked at all. It's corny, but I still found it quite enjoyable. It was actually kind of a nice change from the 1st film, otherwise it would have been too much of the same. I still recommend checking it out if you liked the first film.

  6. Well you know my thoughts as I think it's an awful movie. It is redeemed a bit by the scene where the entire film crew is seen to the left of the screen at the end when the vampire coachman is staked. I have the score which is the best thing about the movie, IMO.

  7. Does the score contain "Strange Love"? :P

  8. I'll have to dig it out. I think it is actually. It's either an instrumental or the actual song itself. I never really found it all that jarring even though it appealed to me about as much as the movie did.

    Still, the words fit with what is transpiring on screen in regards to the relationship between the two characters.

  9. The song may have fit the scene but it was still horrid, even the director said he was embarrassed by it! Aside from that I enjoyed the film for it rather corny presence.

  10. The song may have fit the scene but it was still horrid, even the director said he was embarrassed by it! Aside from that I enjoyed the film for it rather corny presence.

  11. I don't know why I love this film, but I do. I agree with your comment about Stensgaard, but I like her a lot. Also, I think the school location was much better looking, and the story isn't completely tacky, though I wish they'd not made Janet Playfair fall in love with Lestrange. "Strange Love" isn't that bad... but still weird!

  12. @Anonymous - well I think we're in the minority on this one, from what I've read most Hammer fans find it horrible due to it's campiness, personally that's why I enjoyed it. "Strange Love" maybe alright as a standalone song, it's completely out of place in this film.


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