
Mid Week Reminder - An Early Obligatory Post of the Week 3

Currently On Common Sense Reviews:
Hammer Holiday Film-a-thon - currently three films down, many more to go so if your a Hammer fan check those out.  Also after every review a follow up post is done, shining a little light on the beautiful women of Hammer.

Name At Movie Poster Round 4 - after a few weeks of absence your favorite poster game is back this round ends Wednesday night.

This Weeks Amazon Picks - I've added a new widget on the sidebar where you'll find my weekly picks for Dvd's and Blu-ray on, I'll either be posting deals I find, new releases worth checking out, or just films I recommend that week.  If you're like me and you buy pretty much everything from Amazon because for the most part you don't pay sales tax or shipping, do me a favor and enter Amazon by clicking on one of those links.  It will take you right to their site and anything you purchase I receive a small commission for referring you.  It's an easy way you can help support this site, the main purpose of this blog is not to make a profit but a few extra bucks does help me purchase more movies that ultimately get reviewed here. And it costs you absolutely nothing, we both win.

What I'm Enjoying:
1001 Movies You Must See - our club had a successful start, and we're now on our second month, still a few more weeks until we starting publishing our December reviews.

A Life In Equinox - he's started a new podcast over at his site check it out, it's pretty good, he's promised to do his whole next podcast in a Mickey Mouse voice, looking forward to that.

Dan's Media Digest - great site for TV news and reviews, he recently took a poll of people's current favorite TV shows and guess what won.... CHUCK!!! 


  1. I'd prefer Ryan the Equinox doing his podcast in Donald Duck voice, not Mickey Mouse :PPP

  2. Hey that's fine with me, I'd gladly take Goofy too!


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