
Yutte Stensgaard

Last Updated - 12/17/09

Born: May 14, 1946 in Thisted, Denmark
Hammer film(s): Lust For A Vampire (1971)
Other notable roles: Girl with a Pistol (1968); Scream and Scream Again (1969)

Formally an au pair and model Yutte made her way to England with the hopes of starting a successful acting career, and quickly discovered it would be a harder endeavor than she ever realized.  Her career amounted to a couple small roles and Lust For A Vampire, her first and last starring role.  Hammer Glamour refers to Yutte's career as made up of some of the most vulgar films of the era, this was probably due to the fact she was for some reason under the impression people of the time weren't willing to see films without nudity!  Obviously a rouse some producer told her in order to get her clothes off, so thus the extent of most of her roles was due to her physical appearance and nothing more.  Lust For A Vampire was considered and low point for the Hammer horror genre and Yutte went on to briefly host a television game show, leading to the end of her entertainment career.  She now works for one of America's largest radio networks.

Hotness Rating: 8/10
A very attractive blonde whose well endowed physique was a perfect fit for the 70's era of Hammer horror.  She gets a couple points knocked off because her face is a very close resemblance to Shelley Long and that just kind of creeps me out.

Acting Rating: 5/10

As most of the Hammer literature will back me up on Yutte's acting talent, or lack there of, is truly what's responsible for her short lived mediocre career.

Average Hammer Film Rating: 7/10
Most would disagree with me
on my rating for Lust For A Vampire, frankly even I'm a little confused as to why I enjoyed it so much, call it a guilty pleasure I guess..

Overall Rating

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