
8 1/2 (1963)

As I've stated many times before and will continue to state every time I'm forced to watch another one of these "artsy" films, I watch films to be entertained not to interpret symbolism for over two hours, if I wanted to do that I'd read a book!

To the best I could discern 8 1/2 is the story of a film maker named Guido struggling to come up with an idea for his next picture.  Amidst the badgering from his producer, cast and crew, Guido must deal with his crumbling marriage, pestering mistress and the flood of ideas that seem to that him in and out of consciousness.  To be brutally honest 8 1/2 bored me, I'm not a fan of having to interpret everything that's thrown on the screen meant to reveal some deeper meaning to the film.  When I'm forced to read subtitles on top of deciphering the writer's hidden messages it's really quite a losing battle, especially in a rather disjointed and random film as 8 1/2 is.  I felt the whole film was rather ironic, as the character of Guido's writer seems to sum up my opinions of 8 1/2 quite well with his criticisms of the few ideas Guido reveals to him about the film he's trying to make.

Overall, I found 8 1/2 to be quite a chore, even for people who may enjoy this type of film.  It's not just the symbolism and subtitles that lost me the film itself doesn't appear to having very much of a consistency to it, it's all over the place making it difficult for someone to actually figure out what's going on amidst the chore of everything else the film demands.  Plus the story really isn't that interesting which defeats any reason for me to try too hard as the viewer to figure out what's happening.  

If you're a Claudia Cardinale fan you might be a little disappointed, I expected her to have a major on screen role in the film, not just five minutes, though I was surprised to see famed B-movie scream queen Barbara Steele in such a well known "classic." In the end, 8 1/2 is a probably a film study enthusiast's dream but even some of them would probably agree if you're only looking for an entertaining film to watch this isn't a good choice.  If you're interested in interpreting the meaning of every scene then have at, but for myself that's not why I watch movies.


  1. Sad to see you didnt like it Common. Its one of my favorite films ever, but I understand not everyone would enjoy a film such as this one.

    Its not really a film meant to entertain in the common sense of the word. I mean, yeah it has entertainment value, but id say its more entertaining for brainy, intellectuals who love meaning with their art. That can stop and just admire a film for its visual beauty (without the need of jokes or fx every five minutes.

    Its a film meant to be enjoyed from a visual standpoint (composition and the beautiful use that Fellini gives to the Black and White) but also from a more intellectual standpoint. I love to see all the things Fellini is trying to say with his images.

    Those scenes with all the women Guido ever had in his mind running around his head, and then he finally has to choose the love of his wife, the woman who truly loves and cares him....awesome sequence! I love how Guido runs all other women off (beautiful as they maybe) somewhere to the back of his mind...visual poetry if you ask me.

    But hey, to each his own, I just had to stand out and defend this beautiful film because to me it is one of the greatest films ever made, and certainly one of Fellinis best. You just have to keep up with the changes between the dreamworld and Guidos real life. Its interesting how Fellini portrays the film director as someone whos imagination is constantly running wild and free!!

    Awesome movie, but again, not for everyone.

  2. Well first off I don't consider myself stupid. I work with numbers for a living, so I'd like to consider myself "intellectual". I don't look to film for art, I look to film for entertainment. I spend over 8 hours a day in my career using nothing but my brain and therefore I look to film as an escape, not more work! I don't mind a film that makes you think but a film such as this, foreign, full of symbolism, and not exactly the easiest thing to follow just asks a little more than I'm willing to give for a story that doesn't especially interest me to begin with!

  3. Figured you wouldn't like it. Foreign and artsy ;p

    You shouldn't let the artsy-ness get you down as much though. There is a lot of highly accessible comedy and drama in the flick if you can just ignore the other stuff. I actually found it a lot easier to follow than a lot of the art-house "classics" I have seen.

    You say it a lot, but remember that this is entertaining for a lot of people. It was for me. A lot of really great humor here even if you ignore the symbolism. I sure as hell don't know what most of it means, but I still enjoyed it. Art should make you feel something even if you don't understand why you feel it. That's the theatre kid in me talking I guess.

  4. Didnt mean to imply that you werent intellectual or intelligent. I meant to say that in order to see a film like 8 1/2 you gotta be in the mood for that kind of film, cause 8 1/2 is all about symbolisms and allegories and all that.

    I know what you mean about working with numbers since I work with them as well! Sometimes all I need to do is sit back relax and watch some cheesy movies, check out my blog to see just how many cheesy movies I watch! But every now and then, I like to watch something with a little more depth to it, thats when I watch films like 8 1/2.

    But Ill be honest, watching a movie like 8 1/2 in one sitting aint easy! I usually watch Fellini movies in two days, one half one day, the other half the other since they are kind of exhausting to watch, so much happens in a Fellini movie in such a short span of time.

  5. @Alfindeol - it's not just the "artsy-ness" it was basically the film in general really didn't interest me much, plus I'm just not usually in the mood to interpret meaning in some of these films.

    @Connoisseur - understandable, I like films with depth as well, but I usually turn to films like A Beautiful Mind, Cinderella Man, more of the realistic dramas I can relate to. 8 1/2 a too far out in left field for me, I don't think intelligence has any to do with enjoying or understanding this film, I think it's just taste. And in general these types of films don't appeal to me, although I know they have a large audience of people they do.


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