
James Bond Finale - Worst 5 Bond Intros

I don't know what's worse, expecting the viewer to actually believe that James Bond (Roger Moore) in his old age is capable of pulling off these snow boarding moves while jumping off shear cliffs or the fact that they actually play a Beach Boys song in a James Bond film... you decide.

When James Bond goes fishing he doesn't catch a fish, no he catches a small aircraft and he's the hook at the end of the line!

While this introduction might be a descent lead in to the film, Bond is no where to be found and really I don't blame him this is one of the worst Bond films made.

Get ready for possibly the worst fight sequence in the history of cinema...well maybe it's not that bad, but did Bond forget how to suddenly fight? By far the unintentionally funniest fight sequence I have ever seen, how are the viewers supposed to take the film or the new Bond serious after this!?!

Just when you thought Blofeld had finally died (after about 5 times) he's back once again in an introduction that has absolutely nothing to do with the film and only brings back horrible memories of one of the worst storylines and characters in Bond history.


  1. A whole lot of Roger Moore there I notice. Then again I can't blame you, I like Roger Moore, but I could never really get into his Bond films much.

  2. Yea, I liked a few of the Moore films but that era of Bond had some the corniest intros and themes song.

  3. "that never happened to the other guy" ... you just want to say "SHUT THE F*** UP LAZENBY!"

  4. ^haha. The whole premise of that film annoyed me and the fact that they kept referring to the Connery Bonds yet tried to make that film completely different than any other Bond film was aggravating!

  5. ^haha. The whole premise of that film annoyed me and the fact that they kept referring to the Connery Bonds yet tried to make that film completely different than any other Bond film was aggravating!


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