
Kreativ Bloggers

My good friend Univarn and Julian Stark has named me as one of his 7 Kreativ Bloggers, kind of an award but more so a way of letting your fellow bloggers know you appreciate their work as well as recommending that others check them out as well.  It's a community thing. So thus I'm encouraged by this honor to do the same as well by following the below criteria:

Receiving such a kind honor comes with some criteria as well (7 in fact):

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

1. I've already thanked him for his kind words and they were quite kind, here's what he said about me: 
The(re) are few bloggers I follow that I disagree with more than TheAnswerMVP, and his blog Common Sense Movie Reviews. There are also few bloggers that I respect the opinion of more than him as well. AnswerMVP is perhaps the most honest blogger I've come across. He knows what he likes, and is sure to tell you what he looks for in film. He doesn't pander his score to the movies others like just because they're classics any more than he does to those of the present. As well his secret file series for the James Bond films are as fun, in depth, and as passionate a take as you're likely to find on the series.


3. Much thanks to A Life In Equinox -  more about him later, and Movies and Other Things

4. Possibly unknown tastes I have.
  • TheAnswerMVP2001 - my screen name.  TheAnswer is the nickname for Philadelphia 76ers guard Allen Iverson, my favorite athlete. MVP2001 stands for the year he was named Most Valuable Player.
  • I love anything and everything that has to do with Austrailia, someday I'd like to move there, or at least vacation there.
  • I have a thing for British and Austrailian actresses, there actually aren't very many American actresses a really like, even Rachel McAdams is Canadian!
  • I'm a fan of the now dispersed British pop group S Club 7 (especially Rachel Stevens), I loved the TV show they used to have in the late 90's on what was then FOX Family and would definitely by the show on DVD if it was ever released.
  • I'm a Trekker, not a Trekkie, I've never dressed up and only gone to one convention (where I did meet Wil Wheaton). I do own all the Star Trek series on DVD and thoroughly enjoy the show, but am not obsessive enough about it to actually quote from particular episodes or recite useless trivia.
  • I enjoy classic Television shows especially The Twilight Zone, Lost In Space, and The Wild Wild West.
  • I've probably got the most varied tastes in everything you'll ever find.
 5-7.  Now here is where I nominate or name my top 7 favorite bloggers.  Others have been straying away from people already mentioned, but I don't see the harm in mentioning someone more than once.  Chances are there are some readers on my blog that aren't readers of others blogs that have been named so I see no problem in it.

A Life In Equinox - okay, so it's kinda corny to return the favor but I genuinely like Univarn and read his blog on a daily basis.  He's a Rotten Tomatoes rebel like myself although I don't think we actually knew each other over at RT, if we did I apologize for not remembering!  But now I consider him one of my best blogger friends.  While we have quite different tastes in films it's still fun to discuss things with him and occasionally jab him about his love of anime.

Hollywood Spy - another blogger that's already received acknowledgment on another blog but I would be remiss of I didn't mention him as well.  Dezmond is another good blogger friend of mine, and a guy I wouldn't mind meeting face to face (although he'd have to pay to fly me out to Serbia ;P).  I thoroughly enjoy his movie news and rumors and also appreciate his witty comments on my own blog.  Plus we both agree Requiem For A Dream and Magnolia are horrible films, and for that alone I have respect for him.

Filmsquish - a fellow James Bond fan, I owe the idea of the 1001 Movies You Must See club to him.  I stumbled upon his blog and enjoy his Bond reviews and while digging through his site first discovered the 1001 Movies book and his goal of watching all the films.

Carfax Abbey - stumbled upon this blog last month during my Hammer craze, he doesn't post very often but I find his Hammer posts quite enjoyable.  He also reviews many other classic horror films.

Precious Bodily Fluids - kind of a strange name for a movie review blog but the site is full of in-depth reviews of a wide variety of films with a lot of pictures, and as you can see from my on blog I like pictures!

The Predictability of Stupidity - another fellow Rotten Tomatoer who I do remember from the days of RT.  I like the unique layout of his blog and thoroughness of his reviews.

Dan's Media Digest - enjoy television?  Dan does episode reviews of a lot of popular American and British TV shows, including my personal favorite, Chuck!


  1. Thanks very much; and I'll try to post a bit more regularly!
    Best, Matthew

  2. Oh, what shall I wear for Answer's red carpet event, especially after outshining everyone with my style at Ryan's ceremony? :))

    Answer, I'm honoured and obliged by this lovely award, and I shall proudly display it over in my award shelf in HOLLYWOOD SPY ;)

    We shall transport you to Serbia, for a chat and a drink, as soon as someone invents transmission :)

    "I have a thing for British and Austrailian actresses, there actually aren't very many American actresses a really like" - another thing we agree to the point. 99% of my beloved actors and actresses are either Australian (those people down there are deadly gorgeous and lethally talented)or British!

  3. PS forgot to express my utmost puzzlement with your obsession with S Club 7 :)))))
    that must be the most charming piece of information ever revealed by the secretive mister You ;)

  4. @Matthew - your very welcome, I always enjoy your Hammer posts.

    @Dezmond - I only wish there were more lovely Australian ladies in my area, there's a lot in Los Angeles but I don't go there often.

    As for you S Club 7 comment I don't know whether your happy or just shocked about it! I wouldn't call it an obsession though I actually haven't listened to a CD in years, but I definitely would buy the show, just because it was pure cornball fun and Rachel Stevens is purely delightful. I wondered if anyone would even know who they were since they were never really big here in the United States. I actually did a rough draft review of one of their "films" a couple years back and never posted it, might do so now :)

  5. Thanks so much for the nod ;p I have a pair of these now, I should probably do one myself, but I'm just so effing busy right now. 10AM-8PM work days are the pits.

  6. The Rachel Stevens thing makes perfect sense to me.

  7. ^ exactly ;) I actually like her solo music as well, British female pop is so much better than American female pop.

  8. I remember Rachel's solo album FUNKY DORRY, it wasn't very successful, but the whole problem with S Club 7 was the fact that they've appeared in the moment when kid-pop or teenage-pop or cheap-pop whatever you call it, was in the final stage of its existence. They never reached the fame of STEPS, BLUE, FIVE ... and other similar British pop bands.

  9. I've never heard of those other groups you've mentioned. I actually like Rachel's solo stuff a lot more than S Club, it's not as "poppy". She put out two albums the second one is really good but it didn't do much critically. It's strange I can't stand female pop music here, the only one I like is Christina Aguilera, everyone else is awful. I've also recently gotten into Girls Aloud, a group unknown here so I had to import all their CD's.

  10. My favourite song from GIRLS ALOUD is CALL THE SHOTS. They have amazing videos, although the girls themselves are rather uncharismatic. I'm not sure if they still exist as a band since Cheryl Cole has released her solo album and is quite popular these days in Europe. The most popular girl-band from UK are definitely Sugababes.

  11. Ah yes, that's one of my favorites as well. I've been thinking about buying Cheryl's CD, but just haven't gotten around to it and waiting for the import price to come down a little more since the dollar is worth squat. I've listened to a few Sugababes songs, they've just never really clicked with me. I like Girls Aloud because most of their songs are very catchy and uptempo.

  12. I've never known anyone to freely admit their love of S Club 7 before. I love(d) them too. Their debut single was released when I was about 11 and I followed them religiously until they split. We should start a campaign to release their TV shows on DVD

  13. There is a website I found that provides all the links to most the shows episodes that people have thrown up on YouTube. I was at one point going to download all of them and rip them to DVD so I at least had them for myself. But YouTube isn't that great of video quality so I decided not to waste my time. But at least they are available somewhere to watch again.

  14. There is a website I found that provides all the links to most the shows episodes that people have thrown up on YouTube. I was at one point going to download all of them and rip them to DVD so I at least had them for myself. But YouTube isn't that great of video quality so I decided not to waste my time. But at least they are available somewhere to watch again.


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