
The Last Picture Show (1971)

I must admit I've almost been pushed over the edge.  So far over the edge with these recent film choices that I'm about ready to start begging people to choose musicals or anime, yes it's true, I've almost cracked.  But luckily with the new system starting in February I'll no longer have to watch four incredibly boring dramas in a row.  Hopefully I can then begin the healing process in which a series of films has almost scarred me for life in watching the genre I once loved!

The Last Picture Show is one of the few times I actually disliked a film to the point I didn't even want to write a review.  Maybe its the fact that three consecutive downers have finally started to affect me or maybe it's the fact that The Last Picture Show is truly a depressing and despicable film.  Taking place in a rundown Texas dust bowl town there seems to be absolutely nothing to do, so everyone does whatever they feel like doing and follow the familiar saying "idle hands are the Devil's workshop".  This sleepy little rundown town seems to be full of people cheating on each other and getting into whatever trouble suits their fancy, it's a town full of self centered individuals who only seem to care about their own wants and needs.

By now I must be sounding like a broken record when I keep saying how are these films supposed to be entertaining, and why should I feel sorry for a bunch of people whose lives suck so hard because of the choices they decided to make!?!  Why do the critics eat these films up?  These should all be on a list entitled 1001 Movies You Should Wait and See After Your Dead!  This is truly one of the first times I have no rant left in me, I'm growing tired of so many boring films with so many despicable people in them.  So I'll end this with the best line in the film, a line I think basically sums up this film and sums up my complete lack of performance on this review... "I don't know what happened."



  1. Hahaha poor AnswerMan. I liked how your review was more about the recent club entries than the actual Last Picture Show, which I also found boring. It was really well made but yeah, I wouldn't have reviewed it either except that it was on 'the list'. I have a feeling this movie was epic in its day because the generation understood. I don't live in a small town, and I'm rarely bored...

  2. Hah...project seemed like a great idea at the time didn't it?

    Sorry to hear our choices haven't been going your way, but the more time that goes by, the more my brain keeps coming back to this movie. I actually loved that the storytelling echoed the way of life in this one-stoplight-town.

    Sorry to hear it didn't do much for ya!

  3. What really is there to say about a film that's about people being bored? I just have nothing to say. I've actually always wanted to live in a small town, have a slow, simple and laid back life. Of course I wouldn't live in a rundown dump in the middle of the Texas desert but still. I think small town life isn't the issue here, it's the people themselves. And I just didn't think there lives were worth the films run-time.

  4. I'm still enjoying the club, I'm just looking forward to some more variety, which we should start having here, viewing the same type of film over and over is starting to make me sick. And it's just not these types of films, I'd feel the same way if I sat down and watched 10 science fiction films, I just enjoy a little more variety in my viewing.

  5. hi losers. go see if yer mom will let you go see star wars again

  6. @Anonymous - The only loser here is a certain anonymous poster without the backbone to put a name to their comment. Then again with a comment like that, which seriously shows your lack of grammar and English composition, I'd probably be embarrassed to take credit for it too. So why don't you take your own advice and go watch Stars Wars again, and while you're at it pick up Hooked On Phonics, it might work for you!


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