
The New Guy (2002)

  Originally Written   
Monday, November 26, 2007

If you haven't seen enough unbelievable teen comedies where the dorkiest kid in school turns into the most popular guy on campus and dates the hot cheerleader, then The New Guy is another film to add to your list. The New Guy doesn't break any barriers or venture into uncharted territories; it offers forth the same static storyline with a few humorous segments and a few hot actresses.

DJ Qualls plays Dizzy Harrison, a senior in high school who had high hopes of breaking out on the high school radar only to see those hopes squashed by everyone around him who treated him like dirt. Somehow Dizzy finds himself in prison and receives guidance from an inmate on how to turn his life around. The plan is Dizzy has to get expelled from his current school and start over at a new high school...the right way.  Dizzy starts his new life under the alias Gil Harris and begins to take his new school by storm as he makes everyone believe he's the new tough guy. The girls love him, he's feared by his peers and respected by his teachers, but how long can Gil Harris hide his true identity before the truth is revealed!?!

The New Guy is a mildly funny comedy that gains a majority of its laughs from the overused "crazy eyes" move, which for some reason cracked me up each time. A few other scenes are pretty funny, but it's nothing to brag about. The best part of the film is Eliza Dushku who offers up a few memorable scenes that make the whole film worth while, most notably the swimwear montage. Other than that The New Guy is a below average comedy, with an unbelievable story and a large number of "has been" cameos. The only point in watching is if you're a fan of the lovely Eliza or the geeky Zooey Deschanel, who I really don't understand the fan boy love for.  



  1. I often felt like this movie should only be watched by those who are highly medicated and can't change the channel. I think you're being kind with a 5.

  2. eh... well anything lower than a 5 I wouldn't watch again. Believe it or not I'd actually consider a 2nd viewing of this one.

  3. Hella funny movie loved it so much.


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