
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

Originally Reviewed
Saturday August 4, 2007
Matt Damon returns for his final stance as Jason Bourne, the rogue assassin on a mission to recover his past. The Bourne series, in my humble opinion, has to be the greatest action/thriller series of all-time. Nothing I have ever seen comes close to the consistency and continuous unbelievable action sequences as this series does. It's only fitting that the film to end this trilogy be penned "Ultimatum", because believe me this is the most "ultimate" action film you'll see all year!

The Bourne Ultimatum picks up right after the previous film and follows Jason Bourne on his mission to discover what in his past lead him to become the person he is today. His search begins when he hunts down a newspaper reporter who’s been publishing articles about him and the death of his girlfriend Marie. In an attempt to find out the reporter's inside source Bourne is spotted by the CIA, who have been tailing the reporter as well with the hope of also discovering his source..

The CIA gets spooked when they discover the reporter in is contact with Bourne. If Bourne comes in contact with this source it would mean the "man on a mission" would be holding all the cards and a large dark blot on the CIA could be revealed to the public, something that would completely ruin the lives of those behind this CIA secret convert group. But it will be quite difficult to stop a man who has been running for three years and is not ready to give up without a fight, not until the truth has been released and those responsible for his past are held responsible.

The Bourne Ultimatum is a thrill ride from start to finish and has little trouble out doing the previous two films in terms of action and suspense. Even with two near flawless predecessors, The Bourne Ultimatum is somehow able to stand supreme in an action series that compares to no other. There is literally never a dull moment in this film, the action sequences are flawless, the acting is great, the story gritty and the ending is completely satisfying. In short The Bourne Ultimatum is the best action film you'll see this year and probably the best you've ever seen.

What I love about this series is Jason Bourne is gritty and real, he's not surrounded by fancy cars, beautiful women and nifty gadgets (like some other well known action character). Bourne is pure blood, sweet and tears. It's my sincere hope that if this is Matt Damon's last stand as Jason Bourne that this be the conclusion of the series because it would be a shame to ruin an almost perfect trilogy by attempting to replace the man who gave him life.

In the end, see this film! It's definitely worth, a rental or a purchase, and two hours of your life. Amazingly it's been two years since I have handed out a perfect score to a new film, so my praise of this outstanding action film should not be taken lightly. I don't hand out 10's very often but I'm happy to put my stamp of approval and utmost praise behind the greatest action/thriller of all-time! 


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