
James Bond Finale - Worst 5 Lesser Bond Girls

While the best lesser Bond Girls were a little hard to rank, putting together a list of the top worst wasn't as difficult. There's a reason these "Bond Girls" received the limited screen time they did, not only horrible acting (even for a Bond Girl) but also these really aren't the most attractive ladies to grace a Bond film.

Goodnight is alright to look at, but when she opens her mouth and gets those strange looks on her face you can't help but think she's a little Special Ed.

Tomorrow Never Dies boasts some fairly entertaining action sequences but it fails horribly in character department. Paris is only one of the many horrible characters in this lack luster adventure. On a hotness ranking alone Teri Hatcher would be in the Top 10 out of all the women in the franchise, but as a short lived Bond Girl she doesn't work, she's better off sticking to Lois Lane.

The character of Silvia Trench actually makes an appearance in both Dr. No and From Russia With Love, but both appearances are completely pointless and frankly I don't find her attractive in the what's the purpose? Many refer to her as the first Bond Girl... I find that insulting to Ursula Andress.

Besides being the most horrendous Bond Film to date Octopussy boasts some of the worst Bond Girls ever! Magda is bland, boring and not very attractive either.

Bibi Dahl is simply annoying. I didn't bother rating her in the Secret File Reviews since I don't consider her a Bond Girl. Her character is too young and she fits none of the Bond Girl stereotypes, except possibly ditsy. Bond Girl in training maybe, but for some reason many people lump her in the Bond Girl category... Bond Child maybe.

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