
Slither (2006)

Originally Reviewed
Sunday February 11, 2007

Slither is a cross between Evolution and Shaun of the Dead, where it attempts to find a balance between horror and comedy. Unfortunately when you attempt to mix two these types of genres the final result usually ends up in a B-Movie mess. In watching Slither I couldn't help but distinguish the vast similarities it had to some of the Sci-Fi channel's numerous made for cable horror film, which definitely aren't well known for there quality.

Slither adopts the basic overused plot of most B-movie horror films in which some strange organism lands in a hick town, takes a human as a host, procreates and then attempts to take over the planet. The film is nothing new, nothing special and nothing extraordinarily great. The slugs are blatantly CGI looking and on more than one occasion understanding what the actors were saying became a chore as they spoke too fast and constantly slurred their lines.

Overall, Slither is descent, for a horror film. I have seen better and I have seen worse. It attempted to be funny on numerous occasions but not many of those landed with me, and the character of the Mayor I only found incredibly annoying. He appeared to be the comic relief, but all he seemed to provide was yelling and a majority of the film's profanity. I was wishing he would be killed off in the beginning but no such luck. In the end, Slither is a probably more so a treat for the hardcore horror buffs and B-movie horror fans, everyone else will probably find it mildly entertaining.



  1. I had a blast with Slither, partly because it stars the fantastic Nathon Fillion and partly because it was a fun B-movie experience. I feel like a movie needs to decide between Horror and Comedy and push a little further towards one or the other to be successful. To me, this felt like Evil Dead 2. That movie has the best moments of the trilogy, but it's my least favorite because it's inconsistent. Give me the campy horror of Evil Dead or the absolutely tongue and cheek Army of Darkness anytime.

  2. @Alfindeol - I think the film's main fan base is probably 90% Fillion fans. Univarn just tweeted me that without Fillion he probably wouldn't have made it through this. I'm not a big fan of him myself but I know he has quite a niche of followers.

  3. I like this movie. Excellent little monster flick, well cast and very well written. It's Funny, gory, and delightful with fantastic performances by Nathan Fillion

  4. I'm with you on this - it wasn't as funny as it thought it was, basically making it a sub-par B-movie. I seem to remember the trailer promising jokes a-plenty and that just wasn't what it delivered. I am a fan of Fillion but I didn't think he was given enough here to save it from mediocraty.

  5. @thistime - yea the trailer acts like the film puts all other classic horror films to shame, which is the biggest laugh.


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