
Special Mission Lady Chaplin (1966)

The final entry in the Agent 077 series is Special Mission Lady Chaplin, also regarded by many Euro Spy fans as the best in the series.  In certain aspects I would agree that this entry into the series has a little more to offer than the others, but I still find myself turning to Mission Bloody Mary as the best film in the trilogy.

Like all the Agent 077 films story is the last thing the writers worried about while writing this film, so once again you'll probably find yourself scratching your head at times simply because the script and flow of the story is so awful.  The basic premise of the film is that the CIA is under the impression that the wreckage of a submarine named the USS Thresher might be the source of some interest to a rather shady group of individuals.  While the Thresher lay at the bottom of the sea it is home to 16 atomic missiles which could produce quite a bit of damage if they landed in the wrong hands.  Agent Dick Malloy is sent to investigate, and finds the submarine still laying peacefully at the bottom of the sea, unfortunately the missiles are missing! It's all the work of a spy and master of disguise named Lady Chaplin and an expert in shipwreck salvaging a rich American named Zoltan.  Together they plan to sell the missiles to the highest bidder.

If you're looking for over the top action, Special Mission Lady Chaplin is the film for you.  This final entry of the series has probably more action than the first two films combined from exploding dresses to gun fights in a room filled with atomic bombs, this film has it all.  Special Mission Lady Chaplin also has a brief appearance by the lovely Helga Line, which was one of the reasons I was looking forward to watching this.  Helga Line played a rather important character in the first film, but her appearance here is not only brief but also quite useless.  My other complaint is the dubbing for Ken Clark.  In the first two films Clark's voice was a mixture of campy and suave, this time around they replaced it with a very deep and emotionless voice which didn't suit the character or the film, I found it rather distracting at times and actually enjoyed the rather campy dubbing on the prior films.  Overall, Special Mission Lady Chaplin probably has everything you could ask for in a Euro Spy indeavor, but for me I enjoyed the first outing the most, it might have had less action, but it had the best story, the better dubbing and a lot more Helga Line.


Special Mission Lady Chaplin Full Movie

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