
The Twilight Zone Season 1: Episode 3 - Mr. Denton on Doomsday

For you consideration, a Mr. Al Denton certified town drunk.  A man who used to be the quickest draw in the West is now the quickest laughing stock in town as he patronizingly sings for a free drink.  But fate is about to catch up with Mr. Denton in an usual form, a form that will both cure his dependence on drink and his guilt with a gun.  Because you see in the Twilight Zone fate sometimes is as sharp as two-edged sword, a sword that doesn't lead to death, but to life.

Story - 7.5/10 - Mr. Denton on Doomsday is an interesting story about a town drunk who temporarily regains his gun slinging skills only to have them quickly ripped away right before he's challenged to a fight to the death.  It's only by the powers of a magic quick draw potion obtained from a peddler named Henry J. Fate that Mr. Denton has any chance of survival.  At first it's a rather simplistic and average story, but it's the episode's conclusion which draws a very fascinating and true lesson on fate, and how sometimes a situation can look quite grim yet turn out to be quite beneficial in the long run.

Characters - 8/10 - Mr. Al Denton is a character you can kind of feel sorry for.  A skilled marksman who was constantly challenged by every quick draw gunner who'd venture into town.  Fighting was no longer a skill for him but a job, it was kill or be killed.  It wasn't something he wanted to do but everyone insisted on challenging him, best he was thought to be the best, and that only drew people to test him.  It was a curse that soon saw him gunning down a sixteen year old kid, and turning to the bottle to attempt to kill his guilt.  Then when he finally appears to come out of his drunken state the gun appears back in his life again.

Classic Value - 6.5/10 - A very young Martin Landau plays Dan Hotaling the rather smarmy character who taunts Denton in the episodes beginning, and reaps brief unfortunate reward of Denton's brief return of his fighting skills.

Re-watch-ability - 7/10 - Mr. Denton on Doomsday is not a bad entry into the Twilight Zone series, with a rather good message and a descent execution it's a pretty entertaining viewing.  Although still not an episode that's going to stand out as memorible to most people.  I never remember seeing this one before, and I've seen them all multiple times over.


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