
Edina Ronay

Last Updated - 3/29/10

Born: 1944 in Budapest, Hungary
Hammer film(s): Slave Girls (1967)
Other notable roles: The Black Torment (1964); The Big Job (1965);

Known mostly for her role as the good cave girl Saria, in Slave Girls.  Like many Hammer women Edina's career is really not very well known and quite brief.  She left acting in the late 1970's and became a successful fashion designer

Hotness Rating: 8/10  

Out of all the Hammer prehistoric ladies Edina is probably my least favorite, physically she's cute but she's got a very juvenile, school girl look to her which simply doesn't compared to Raquel Welch, Victoria Vetri or Martine Beswicke.

Acting Rating: 6/10  

In comparison to some of the other women of Hammer prehistoric roles Edina falls somewhere in the middle, it's not fantastic, but neither is the script but Martine's performance is quite a bit better.

Average Hammer Film Rating: 6/10 

Slave Girls is the one Prehistoric Hammer film I've actually enjoyed watching so far, the ditching of the fake one word languages for straight English made the film easier to sit through.

Overall Rating


  1. I prefer her to Raquel, who for some reason has always annoyed the crap out of me, though I watch some of One Million Years over Christmas, and obviously could see the appeal...
    I didn't know she was in Black Torment. Is she the one who comes a cropper at the start?

  2. Nah, her pout - slightly-open mouth-as-if-in-shock-but-not-really is a little annoying.



  3. @Matt - I get the Raquel Welch annoying thing, she always had a way of rambling on and never really saying much. I've never considered Raquel really an actress, she's more of a hood ornament in every film.

    I've never seen Black Torment, but supposedly she's in the intro or the beginning, so that's probably what you're referring to. Whatever it is, Hammer Glamour thought it was a big enough deal to mention.

    @Simon - yea that's the main reason I don't find her that attractive.


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