
Hitch (2005)

Originally Reviewed
  Sunday August 21, 2005
Most women say… 
This is a really bad time for me…or something like; I just need some space, or my personal favorite I’m really into my career right now. Believe that? Neither does she, know why? Because she’s lying to you that’s why, you understand me? Lying, it’s not a bad time for her, she doesn’t need any space, and she may be into her career, but what she is really saying, is get away from me now, or possibly try harder stupid. - Hitch
I have been putting off watching Hitch for sometime, not really knowing what to expect or exactly how good of film this would turn out to be, but in the end I was pleasantly surprised. This isn’t your typical chick flick, in fact this is a great film for those of us guys who are fed up with trying to guess exactly how to deal with women. The fact is women are complicated, and therefore want to complicate everything. Nothing can be "cut and dry" everything has to be a large project. Women care too much about other peoples feelings, while guys would rather be given the truth, no matter how brutal, instead of receiving a crappy excuse given to not hurt their feelings… at least I would. As one scene in this film brings across, you have to do your homework on a girl and have a plan, because the easy way of simply going up to a girl and saying you like them… doesn’t work, probably because it’s not complicated enough for them.

Hitch is a dating coordinator, or "The Date Doctor", and what he does is help guys who ordinarily don’t have much success in getting women to notice them, gain the confidence they need to do so. Of course while he is helping people find true love, he's ironically running from it, due to a relationship in college where he did and said all the wrong things leading him to get his heart broken. What I loved about this film is it had a lot of truth to it; something here will hit a cord for every guy who’s ever tried to get a date with a girl.

Hitch is well written, and flows extremely well. The plot of the story is that Hitch is trying to help Albert (Kevin James) attract a wealthy client of his firm to notice him, Alegra Cole. Alegra Cole is being followed around by gossip columnist Sara Melas, whom Hitch meets in a bar and falls for. When Melas discovers Cole is going out with Albert, she wants to know why. She then discovers Albert is being assisted by this unknown "Date Doctor", the same guy she blames for her best friend being dumped, and whom she later finds out to be Hitch, the one guy she has really fallen for, leading to a very large downhill of events for all parties involved.

Will Smith does a great job in this film, and it's refreshing to see him in a genre that has nothing to do with aliens, zombies, or Martin Lawrence. I have always been a fan of his work, and this role was certainly made for him. Kevin James, from the hit television sitcom King of Queens brings some great comedy to the film and is a wonderful co-star buddy role to the cooler and more fit Smith. As for Eva Mendes, well she is plain hot…enough said. Check this film out, I found it very enjoyable and proves my point that girls are too complicated. Ladies maybe you can learn a few things here, and see that you’re making it too hard for the really nice guys to get any attention. 



  1. A surprisingly good movie thanks to Will Smith mega-watt charisma. Never been a big fan of Eva Mendes, she gets the job done and is nice to look at but a better actress might have made this movie even better.

    Good review The Answer!

  2. @Castor - I agree with you on Eva Mendez, which is why I limited my comment about her to simply "she's plain hot". Aside from that Mendez is pretty talentless in my opinon. She really reminds me of an annoying version of Raquel Welch.

  3. Hey man, what's your email addres. Just wanted to send you something re. The 1001 Project.

  4. You just made it.

    When I read your review of Magnolia (1/10) and saw that you reviewed Hitch, I said: "Oh, this must have a 0/10 then!".

    Surprise, surprise.

    Well, not really.

    You just made it, the second worst movie of all time gets a 9/10 from you, while the second best of all time gets a 1/10.


  5. @Jaime - I'm confused here. First off what does "you just made it" mean? What did I just make? Second how could you think that because I gave Magnolia a 1 I'd give Hitch a 0? The two films are complete poplar opposites, in other words you should be completely surprised if I didn't give Hitch a 9! The only way I would give any film a 0 is if it was extraordinarily more boring and contrived than Magnolia and so far I haven't seen too many of those.

    Hitch is one of the better romantic comedies in over 10 years. It deserves the 9, or at least a relatively high score.


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