
Hazel Court

Last Updated - 5/10/10

Born: February 10, 1926 in Birmingham, England
Hammer film(s): The Curse of Frankenstein (1957); The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
Other notable roles: Holiday Camp (1947); Devil Girl From Mars (1954); The Masque of the Red Death (1964)

Hazel Court was the premier woman of Hammer with her role in the company's first horror film The Curse of Frankenstein.  It was a role that revived a dying career of and gave the actress a whole new life in the United States following her two films with Hammer.  Court went on to star in three horror films directed by famed B-movie creator Roger Corman and also had numerous guest starring appearances in popular television programs.

Hotness Rating: 8/10 
Being Hammer Horror's maiden leading lady, Hazel is one of the few women of Hammer who maintained the classic beauty look.

Acting Rating: 7/10 
In terms to The Curse of Frankenstein, Hazel's performance was average, personally I found her character a little annoying at times but, that may have be the character's purpose.  Still there's no overlooking her involvement in a seminal Hammer film, and it's not a bad performance.

Average Hammer Film Rating: 6/10 
While being the lightning rod for the next twenty plus years of Hammer horror The Curse of Frankenstein is at times a chore to sit through as it focuses more on the man than the monster.  While the performances are good, the story was a little to slow and thin for my tastes.

Overall Rating


  1. I haven't seen many Hammer films but lately I've been wanting to host a marathon of them. Hazel is a babe and would be worth sitting through any bad movie for.

  2. @elgringo - well I'll be looking forward to that if you go ahead with it. I'll be regularly reviewing at least one Hammer film a week after my Russell Crowe series is complete.


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