
New Layout

As you can clearly see I've made a few changes to the site.  The old layout was becoming way too cluttered, plus the color scheme and the code made everything a pain in the butt to get working correctly, so I looked for another alternative and found this.  Personally I love it.  It's very clean, streamlined and a little more professional looking.  I'm still working out a few minor issues, the main one being the DISQUS comment system which you'll notice is gone.  DISQUS is awesome in the sense that you can reply directly to certain comments and actually go back and edit comments (I don't know how many times I read a comment after I posted it and found a bunch of grammar and spelling issues), plus it was easy to post click-able links.  All reasons I decided to give them another chance because Blogger's commenting system is so stone age.  Unfortunatley DISQUS is a pain in the butt when you have a highly customized template, so I couldn't get to to automatically install and now I'll have to try and manually copy and paste code in the right spots which I'm not looking forward to, so for the time being we're back to Blogger's horrible commenting system until I can get DISQUS to work or find another alternative.


  1. Man, here I go and nominate your site for best layout for LAMB and you change it on me! :P Still, I think it looks nice :)

  2. Good looking new design chief! I like it :)

  3. I loved the one you had before the previous one, best :) The old old one :)

  4. @Univarn - you're joking right? I hope so, because while I liked the look of the last one the design was flawed, and I hated the one sidebar thing.

    @Castor - thanks! Fixed that next page thing for you too!

    @Dezmond - I don't even remember what that was, not the twinkling stars was it? That was my very first one.

  5. Ahah, hope I didn't come across as obnoxious ;)

  6. @Castor - no I didn't take it that way, feel free to always point out if something is missing or not working. I happened to already know that was gone, but you didn't know I knew that, and you were the only person to bother mentioning it so I appreciate the mention of it anyhow.

  7. LOL @ Univarn. Uni, I hope you like the new layout...

    I know I do. I'm 95% pretty sure this template was one that I was considering as well. Looks snazzy.

  8. @Fletch - thanks I had to make a few adjustments. The feature post widget that came with this one was really small and basic, so the one I have now is a vast improvement.


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