
Official Website Techincal Issues Post

I appreciate everyone making me aware of things that aren't working or that are loading too slowly, but I'm growing a little tired of those comments being posted all over place.  So if you find something that's not working or whatever post the comment in this post, I will link this on the front page somewhere.  That way people don't have to wade through off topic comments in movie reviews.

To address the slow loading time a few of you are complaining about all I can say right now is maybe you need to upgrade to a faster internet connection because I rarely have any issues.  If 5 to 10 seconds is what everyone is considering slow then I'm sorry that's going to have to suffice, because I don't see that as slow considering all the pictures and content I have.  That's the load times I'm getting if you're getting slower it's your internet connection and there's not much I can do about that.  I'm not going to start using blogger as an image host, I've tired that and half the time the pictures never show up, image shack is a lot more reliable in my case.


  1. Your blog is loading up now a bit faster :) But as I said before, you can't blame your readers that they might have a slow connection. I have wireless Internet not a dial-up :) and it took me almost 5 minutes before to load your blog.
    As I said before I think the main problem is the fact you upload most of your pictures on imageshack, instead of uploading them immediately here on Blogger.

  2. @Dezmond - five minutes makes no sense, and I've been using image shack since I started this on Blogger. It's got to be something on your end. I'll never used Blogger to upload pics, as I've stated before I've tired it and Blogger is very unreliable, I uploaded my old banner to Blogger and it only loaded up half the time. I'm afraid anyone with slow load times is just going to have to live with it. It's hard to fix something I'm not having trouble with, and it takes less than 10 seconds for me. Maybe you're just hitting my site when everyone else is.

  3. Yes, but your blog was taking long to upload even before this new layout, actually it was always like that with your blog. And as I said, I have this problem only with your blog, and I visit dozens of other blogs everyday. I upload all my pics on Blogger and I've never had any problems, but I'm not saying you should do the same, I'm just stating the possible problem, because while waiting for the whole page to load up, I can clearly see your pictures uploading from imageshack one by one, one by one ....

  4. Just trying to be helpful MVP but I got to side with Dezmond. My connection is perfectly fine (US, cable) and 99% of sites load within a few seconds. Thing is it may appear fast on your end because part of your website may be cached in your browser. You could for example try CTRL + R on your homepage to force-refresh and see how long it takes.

  5. @Castor & Dezmond - Just tried it at work where I never go directly on to my site and again, 10 seconds. Again maybe you guys have cookies turned off, I have them turned on. I'm afraid you guys are going to have to deal with it, as two complaints out of 60+ visits a day just isn't going to make me fool with this. When I go to your site Castor and use that YSlow thing I get a few seconds better and only one grade higher than mine. And as for the pictures that shouldn't even effect the main page because there are hardly any large pictures on there, and the reviews load up with no problems on my first visit (those aren't cached). All I can say is maybe the other blogs your visiting don't have as much content as mine. That's really all I'm going say on this matter anymore, because we're all just repeating ourselves.

  6. Okay did a load test on and here are the results.

    Average Speed - 12.0 s
    Data Volume - 5,680.39 kB
    Size with HTML - 231.71 kB
    Size without HTML - 14.92 kB

    Estimated Load Time
    Modem - 4.83 s
    UMTS - 33.10 s
    DSL 768 - 2.41 s
    T1 - 1.85 s
    T3 - 0.62 s

    I'm not seeing 5 minutes, and those results are satisfactory to me.


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