
Theme Week Returns

I'll be wrapping up 26 Days of Russell Crowe (hopefully) in the next week, so with that on the shelf it will be time to get back to normal around here.  For those of you who may of just started visiting my site during the Russell Crowe event, I hope you stick around, at least you're more than welcome to, because returning on May 23rd will be theme week.  Theme week is something I started a few months back to showcase some of my current interests, and statistically it was well received.  Each day of the week is assigned a theme, it could be a genre, it could be an actor, it could be a series.  Those themes are kept until I get tired of one and swap it for a new one, so without further ado, here are the themes for the return of theme week!

Seagal Sunday - I'm a big Steven Seagal fan and Seagal Sunday has in the past been the least read reviews, but since this is my blog I figure I'm allowed at least one guilty pleasure right!?! Surely there are some more Seagal fans out there in my reader base, don't be afraid to voice your love for the king of low budget action!

Helga Line Monday - Every Monday will feature a review of a film that has German actress Helga Line in it.  A few of my cult fan readers are familiar with Miss Line but most of you have probably never heard of her.  She had very few starring roles but had over a hundred co-starring and bit roles in mostly Spanish films which were made up of horror, euro-spy, swords and sandals, and spaghetti westerns.  You can check out my Helga Line post HERE, and Mondays should provide you with an interesting mix of films you never knew existed.

Twilight Zone Tuesday - I've always been a big fan of the original series, used to watch re-runs after school as a kid.  The reason I chose this TV series to do an episode review is because each episode is like a short film, none of the stories or characters are ever related.  In resuming my reviews I will be making a couple changes, mainly no more category ratings, I found myself repeating myself over and over again so this time I'll give a paragraph summary and a few thoughts.  I will continue to do the picture quotes though, and include the full episode to watch if they're available.

Requested Review Wednesday - I'll try and review one film that has been requested via the Request A Review widget (which is located right next to the Reviews By Rating).

Thursday - will be a non themed day, so any postings will be completely random or old reviews that I have fixed up that have yet to be published on the site. 

Hammer Friday - as most of you know I have a fascination with the British film company Hammer.  Well you're all in for more Hammer folks, but I'm not going to torture you with just vampire films as I have in the past.  I'll be exploring the complete world of Hammer which also include noir, crime thrillers, comedy, and action adventure.  A little something for everyone.

Sir Connery Saturday - you all had the opportunity to vote over the last two months on the next actor that gets their total filmography reviewed and Sean Connery surprisingly came out of no where in the last week and won!  I'm actually very pleased, Connery is right up there on my Top 5 actors list and there are a lot of his films I have yet see.  


  1. I like the set up for your daily themes, it gives your readers something to look forward to each and every day.

    I actually find it awesome that you have a theme dedicated solely to Steven Seagal and you're right, we do all have our guilty pleasures, so why not indulge them? I'm actually a fan of many of his films, even though I've always been more of a Jean-Claude girl myself. I guess it's the same argument of Arnie over Sly? Who's gonna win? It's a crap shoot.

  2. @Heather - yes it worked well before I did my Russell Crowe marathon. I'll be randomly switching them up to at the end of each month, removing the theme that's simply not very popular and replacing it with something else.

    There's a on going war between Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal and Jean-Claude fans. I've always favored Seagal, simply due to his demeanor, skills and wit. Unfortunately I think Seagal Sunday will probably be the one with the lowest ratings at the end of June and might be in danger of being replaced. Hopefully not, but in the past Seagal Sunday has never been that popular. ;(


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