
July 2010 Themes

As promised every month the themed reviews will get mixed up a little to keep things fresh.  So to kick off a new week / coming month of themed reviews lets take a look at what coming this month.

We're pretty much past the pre-star Connery stage films were Sean was only a minor character with very limited amount of screen time.  Still this month's reviews will encompass another group of Connery films most of you have never heard of or seen, hopefully there are some good ones.

(Starts July 5th) For anyone looking to delve into the murky water of B-movie cinema, the films directed and produced by Roger Corman are the absolute best places to start.  Corman's films launched the careers of the big time actors and actresses back in the 50's, 60's and 70's and his ability to make highly entertaining films from little money and talent makes Corman the King of B-movie cinema.  Shout! Factory has started and will continue to re-release many of Corman's classic films on a monthly basis, bringing films that are hard to come by on DVD and never before seen on Blu-ray to the masses.  In this bi-weekly series I will review the films scheduled to be released during that particular month.  This month will include Forbidden World and Galaxy of Terror, both scheduled to be released on July 20th.

The new themed series chosen by you the readers, with almost 50% of the votes in the recent poll is British Comedies.  This series will focus on the famed Carry On comedy series.  I've never seen a Carry On film before but began growing an interest towards them upon noticing how many of the actresses who've appeared in Hammer films have also made appearances in this series.  If Carry On is anything close to the quality of enjoyment the Hammer films have been for me, I should be quite pleased.
I'll continue to proceed as usual by mixing up the Hammer films to provide the widest variety between each week's reviews.  Also I plan to continue the Women of Hammer series.

Bringing back a prior theme, a Saturday review every week will focus on actresses in my Answer's Angels Original section. 

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