Snatch is one of those films I think about not bothering writing a review for because I wasn't able to make it through the whole film. But what is the purpose of this site if not to enlighten and share my opinion, and if I’m able to save a few people a few bucks and an hour of their life then I've accomplished something.
I know I'm going to receive major disagreement on this rating since it seems films with convoluted plots, mega stars and the use of the F-word every 30 seconds appear to be strangely popular with the viewers and even more strangely the critics. It seems if you add 150+ F-words to any script it's instantly praised as a great film, though I'm quite at a loss for understanding this logic. Call it "real" if you want to, I call it limited vocabulary and poor writing, if they used the word "fart" 150+ times I'd get tired of it fast too. I also found it completely strange that in the 45 minutes I watched this film they managed to say the F-word about 70 times yet I never once heard them utter any of the other popular obscenities, why so keen of the F-bomb and totally diss the other three and four letter wonders?
After watching 45 minutes of this film not only was I not impressed by anything but completely bored by a plot that even Roger Ebert states "goes nowhere". Also I "enjoyed" attempting to understand what everyone was saying, while they are able to clearing enunciate the F-word, understanding anything else is quite a gamble. Ironically I had an easier time understanding Brad Pitt's character, who none of the other characters in the film seemed to be able to understand!
Overall, I found Snatch boring, pointless and found it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. The actors all slur their words, the script is a mess and filled with constant obscenities in an attempt to fill glaring void. Don't mistake my rating as being based on F-word usage, if they had taken all the F-words out I would still be rating it incredibly low. I do believe, however, that repetitive use of an obscenity shows an extreme lack of creativity and only highlights a bad script even more as the word quickly loses any meaning or sense of expression and turns into a filler. What this rating is based on, is the entire 45 minutes I watched, and frankly if a film can't impress me in some way in that amount of time another hour isn't going to change that. I'm sure a lot of you love this film but for those of you who aren't looking for something that appears as if it was written by a bunch of illiterate English crooks I hope I save you some time.
I absolutely adore this flick. To me it's a case of root for which bad guy? I found it darkly hilarious, and the intertwining stories to be clever, but to each their own I suppose!
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The plot of Snatch is so god-damn labyrinthine that I hardly remember anything about the film... apart from Brad Pitt indecipherable accent, that is.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely adore this flick. To me it's a case of root for which bad guy? I found it darkly hilarious, and the intertwining stories to be clever, but to each their own I suppose!