
Foxy Facts From Megan Fox #1

Fact #1
When it's brown, she doesn't flush it down.

“I’m horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet. Friends will tell me, 'Megan, you totally pinched a loaf in my toilet and didn’t flush.'" - FHM, June 2007

There are some things that men do that can be portrayed as disgusting, certain bodily noises, but don't they seen to be even more revolting when women do them, especially really good looking women?  Now not flushing after going to the bathroom is simply disgusting in general for a man or a woman, especially when it's #2, that's something the special ed kids do in elementary school.  

Three possible reasons why Megan Fox doesn't flush:
A. She simply wasn't potty trained as a child.
B. She's incredibly forgetful / ditsy.
C. She's incredibly "environmentally conscience" and taking the whole green nonsense to a whole new level by adopting the slogan "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown let it float around."

What do you think?  Could you put aside Megan's absolute lack of general cleanness? That alone wouldn't end the relationship for me, but I'd definitely try to break her of the habit, before the relationship got too serious.  Maybe reward her every-time she flushes with a cookie...


  1. just imagine the level of shallowness and stupidity of a person like Megan who has the opportunity to address a very wide public and chooses to share things like this. Kinda makes you feel ashamed for being a human :(

  2. Yes, that is very true, and you'll see more of it in the following posts.


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