
The Green Tip For The Day #40

Green Tip: Try to relax, Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life, but we all have to suffer through it.

This has been your Green tip for the day! 
Those of you who have today off suck!

The Green Tip for the Day is in no way associated with Eva Green. It's simply an excuse to post a lovely picture of Miss Green and a sometimes humorous tip or phrase which plays on Green's last name and the "green" movement or is just a cool little saying in general.


  1. eh, I must admit I used to love Mondays back while I was working as a professor, because it meant I would see my beloved students. Now that I work in my own office Mondays are pretty much usual days, no pressure no excitement :) But I do make myself shave in the morning at least :)

  2. For us Monday's always seem to be the most frustrating at work. Ironically when Monday is a holiday and Tuesday is the first day back at work it's usually not bad at all. I'm for working an extra two hours a day and making Monday part of the weekend, that would be nice.

  3. that was always my philosophy as well - we need a three day weekend :))) I actually managed to make myself such a working week while I was teaching language courses in some companies. I worked four days for ten hours and then had three days free.

  4. Some country has initiated a four day work week... Germany or Belgium... one of those European countries, you might know who I'm talking about since you're closer to the geographic area. I'd be for it, Tuesday-Friday 7am - 6pm, if I could get into the habit of waking up at 6am... In college I used to get up at 5:30am to open at a retail store so I'm sure I could eventually get used to it, although being a night person it would probably kill my staying up until 2am!

  5. Every Monday morning, I tell myself "I can't wait for the weekend!" ahah. I used to love Monday when I used to work at the grocery store Friday-Sunday when I was in school. Not anymore...

  6. @Castor - yea the only day I look forward to anymore is Saturday, it's the only day I get to sleep in and the only day I don't HAVE to do anything. Ironically by the end of Saturday I'm actually just as tired as if I had worked... go figure.


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