
The Green Tip For The Day #45

Green Tip: No matter where people live, who they are or how much money they have, everyone can enjoy the splendor of a sunset, the solitude of a long walk or the peace of watching clouds drift by. - unknown

This has been your Green tip for the day!
Nature offers relaxation for free.

The Green Tip for the Day is in no way associated with Eva Green. It's simply an excuse to post a lovely picture of Miss Green and a sometimes humorous tip or phrase which plays on Green's last name and the "green" movement or is just a cool little saying in general.


  1. Ah, did you have Pixie Lott in mind over at Twitter? :)) Oh, I don't really like her. I did introduce you to her earlier this year, but hasn't yet managed to amaze me with a good song. Her latest BROKEN ARROW is probably her best so far, but she still needs to work more.
    What I don't totally understand about British pop is their tendency to be obsessed with the old sound and look of the 60's and even 70's. Amy Winans, Pixie, Duffy, Emma Bunton ... they all have very old fashioned style. Not to mention the male singers from Britain.

  2. Yea you did first introduce me to Pixie Lott, but you must have given me a link to her singing someone elses song because I don't remember liking it that much. I like her songs off her cd though quite catchy and she has a good voice.


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