
Hammer House of Horror (1980) - The House That Bled To Death

Original Air Date - October 11, 1980

William and Emma Peters unknowingly purchase a house where only a few years prior a man poisoned his wife and chopped her up into little pieces.  When they move in errie things begin to happen almost immediately, the doors lock themselves, the gas turns on and blood drips from the walls!  William thinks it all simply a part of his family's imagination, but things keep randomly happening, the family cat is found killed, blood spews from the water pipes and even their neighbors across the street, start to see things when they come to visit.  Is it the ghost of the murdered wife, or someone's idea of a cruel trick?

The House That Bled To Death succeeds in adapting a creepy aspect to it yet it spends a little too long with the anticipation of the scare that it begins to drag the story down.  The fact that all these unnatural things keep occurring around the house that A) the wife (Emma) and the couple's daughter Sophie continue to stay is an utter stretch, and B) the fact that the husband continually sloughs it off as their imagination and never believes them indicates that there's obviously some short of spin to the story, and there is.  Fortunately the twist happens to be a pretty decent and quite surprising and ends up making the sometimes procrastinating story worth the watch.



  1. It sounds great in a hilarious blood and gore kind of way - blood squirting from the pipes? I want to watch this one.

  2. @Dan - yes it definitely has it's moments of overblown horror hilarity.


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