
Common Sense Dictates I Shut Down

For a while, and possibly indefinitely I'm stepping away from writing reviews.  This has been a while coming, but a few recent events were the straw that broke the camel's back and has caused me to re-evaluate why I continue updating this blog. The main reason is the ambition for doing it has seemed to be completely different from the reasons I started doing it in 2005.  Essentially it's stopped being fun and turned into more of a chore that causes me to feel like I need to write a review for everything I watch, which has caused me to not enjoy watching movies as much anymore.  What started out as personal creative release for my own benefit has grown into a site that I now only care about how many hits a day I get, or what reviews were popular.  Essentially I've stopped writing for me and started to fall into the never-ending pit of people who do things online just to get attention, followers and comments, I've never wanted to be that person.  The other large reason is it's taken up way too much of my life, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to certain things and the average review I post probably takes about two hours to create, frankly I just cannot devote that much time to something that's really pointless in the long run compared to other aspects in my life that are taking a hit because of the time I spend devoting to this endeavor.  

I wanted to post this because I think any of my consistent readers deserve a reason as to why I've suddenly vanished, I've appreciated all your participation and comments over the years and will every-once in a while still post something I've watched that was overly exceptional, plus I've promised to keep reviewing any new Russell Crowe films since I know I have quite a few readers that enjoy those.  I'm not going for good, but I'm not going to be updating this blog very often.  In closing, enjoy what's been posted on the site over the years, and feel free to continue to comment, I'll still respond and check the blog once in a while.


P.S. I'm keeping my Twitter account active and will more than likely use that to tweet about films I'm watching.  If you're so inclined to care.


  1. Boy, this post is familiar for me; I've done this more than once myself. You're right, though; the best thing is to step back and take a break from it awhile until it starts being something you want to do again.

    We'll see you back when you're back. Peace.

    - TGWD

  2. Booooo! I know the feeling though. I've been there a lot over the years (from RT to this). I say definitely take the time you need and wait until the blog calls you back (which it will). I expect you to still pop on twitter every once in a while for a good pester from me :P

  3. Oh, dear, this is so sad :(((( It is true that blogging often puts pressure on us and that sometimes we can end up in a crises stage. We shall miss you terribly. Who will now fight with me on Eva Green? :) Who will talk with me about girlbands unknown to most of the normal world? :)

    Be sure to keep us updated on Twitter at least.

  4. @Dezmond - we can always argue over Eva Green and girl bands on Twitter. When Camelot comes out next year we should converse about our thoughts, maybe Eva will win you over! ;)

  5. this makes me sad, but i understand your reasons. i have friends who have a russell crowe site, and it consumes a lot of their time. sometimes it becomes more of a burden rather than a pleasure for them to maintain it.
    i've enjoyed discussing, debating and arguing - but most often agreeing with - your reviews, and i hope to see more of them. i'll definitely follow your tweets and look for you on facebook.
    it's been fun!

  6. @becks - burden is the best way to describe it for me. It's been about a week now and I'm actually surprised at how much I don't miss it, been a relief not having to continually post. If I ever decide to get back to regular posting it will definitely be slimmed down to focusing on the series of films I've gotten into, meaning Russell Crowe, Hammer Films, Sean Connery and a few other niche genres I've gotten into. Reviewing everything simply became too much of a task, and probably lead to my burnout. But a return is a long ways away, the time I've been able to pick up has allowed me to do a lot of things I've been meaning to do for a long time. I'll still be a regular on Twitter though, no Facebook (not really my thing).

  7. I'll miss your reviews, but it sounds like you used common sense for more than just your movie reviews. Take care of yourself and I look forward to reading you periodically instead.

  8. where can i find you on twitter? i'm becks999.

  9. @Giggles - yea crazy how that works out huh? I'd have to consider myself a hypocrite if I failed to follow that!

    @becks - the link to my twitter page is the light blue "T" symbol in the four box menu on the top left of this blog. Or just search for CSMovieReviews on twitter.


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