
Kung Fu Hustle (2004)

 Originally Reviewed
Tuesday August 9, 2005

Sometimes a film is so completely ridiculous and awful that writing a full review simply seems a waste of even more of my time, Kung Fu Hustle is one of those films.  In these cases sometimes I simply need to vent, so here it goes... this has to be one of the stupidest films ever made! This film is another example of how people are willing to go see crappy films because of special effects. For some reason a film being "different" is a reason to hail it's presence, maybe I should make a film of myself sitting in a chair for two hours doing absolutely nothing, with a blank stare on my face. Maybe I will be worshiped by all as having a great film?  It sure would be different.

I'm sorry but the Chinese need to stick to doing what they do best and that's not comedies, Crouching Tiger, Hero, those type of films work, not comedy and definitely not whatever this film was. Think The Matrix, Looney Tunes, Kill Bill, The Three Stooges and any Jackie Chan film mixed into one, at about half the quality. Now some of you obviously think that’s cool... which is why no one is seeing GOOD films anymore. This film isn't funny, the story is stupid, and having to read subtitles to a horrible film is torture (don't even bother turning the English Dubbing on it only makes it even worse). Aside from some decent fight scenes and CGI, I would rather watch Hero, or Crouching Tiger, where you get more realistic fight scenes and some actual depth to the story. Please leave the comedies to the people that know what they are doing! This film wasn't even corny, it's beyond corny, it's simply awful. 



  1. It was supposed to be campy, you moron.
    If you go into a campy movie or parody type movie with a serious attitude obviously you're going to hate it.

  2. @Anonymous
    Oh goody! It's been a while since I've had an insulting comment from someone without enough guts to post a name to their insults!

    A DOH! Really it was supposed to be campy!?! Man, I must really be a "moron" then if I didn't see that. I guess when I compared it to an low quality combination of the Three Stooges and Looney Tunes and referred to the film as a "comedy" on multiple occassions I must have thought I was watching the Seven Samurai's!

    No, I knew the film was supposed to be campy, just like I know crap like Date Movie is supposed to be campy, but when I slam films like that it's because they're simply horrible, not because it's campy (I actually like campy, I've reviewed plenty and loved them). Even "campy" has a quality meter and this film is off the meter!


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