
Camelot (2011) - Episode 1.8


It's been a few weeks since I last graced Common Sense Movie Reviews with another "gripping" episode review of Camelot.  Yes, that was indeed dripping with sarcasm.  Seriously though Camelot's average, to below average start has finally taken a toll on me as I struggle to drum up much enthusiasm to not only watch the show but spend another hour reviewing it!  But with three episodes left and the complete impracticability of Starz bothering to bring this back for another season (though stranger things have happened) I'll finish what I've started, but make it brief.

With Morgan having gained the ability to take the form of Igraine (Arthur's biological mother, and her step mother) she kidnaps her and takes her place as the Camelot entourage begin their journey home following the feast and "false" attack on Castle Pendragon in the prior episode.  With Morgan's insider information on Arthur and Guinevere's affair she sets out to crumble Arthur's reign by turning his men against him, starting by informing Leontes of the little fling on the beach the day of their wedding.  Along the way Igraine (Morgan) is also able to break through Merlin's emotional wall and temporarily exploit him.
The only thing worse than a mediocre episode of Camelot is an episode that's also "Greenless".  The only excellent constant in the series is the performance of Eva Green, who simply stands out as a veteran among everyone else in the series.  With no Eva and an episode devoted entirely to a character whose seen maybe a combined ten minutes of screen time the entire season it's almost as if the series has given up hope of even trying.  Claire Forlani (Igraine) does a decent job in her first real starring role in the series playing both the captured Queen and Morgan in disguise.  But to devote an entire episode to a up-till-now minor character seems a bit lofty, especially when the only other supporting character in the story is Merlin, who has proved to be a major disappointment.  Like all the other episodes Igraine has it's moments but with no Eva Green and the lead of the episode going to Merlin and Igraine it's probably my second least favorite of the series, second to the horribly corny Merlin episode Lady of the Lake.


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