
Serving Sara (2002)

Originally Reviewed
Sunday August 20, 2006
This isn't some gangster rap movie where a bunch of hooligans dance off only to end their moves with the triumphant yell of "you got served!" Serving Sara is a film about getting even, beating the system, and of course the only true reason anyone would bother watching this film... Elizabeth Hurley in tight pants.

Matthew Perry plays Joe Tyler, he hunts down people and serves them divorce papers, law suits, you name it. Although as of late Joe has been having a little bit of trouble serving people due to a fellow server who has been tipping off his hits ahead of time making it harder for him to serve them.

Then the big job comes along, some wealthy Texas cattle rancher, played by Bruce Campbell, has hired Joe's company to serve his wife some unexpected divorce papers. But once again Joe's target Sara Moore (Elizabeth Hurley) is tipped off that he is coming and makes a quick run for it. Finally after catching up with Sara Moore, she offers him a rather intriguing proposal. She offers to hire him to serve her husband first in Texas so that she can get half of his fortune, 10% of which she'll give to him, totaling 1 million dollars.  Joe accepts and so begins the race against time as Joe and Sara have to travel to Texas and serve her cheating husband before Joe's rival can catch up with them and serve Sara. 

Serving Sara isn't a great film, but what do you expect from a film with Cedric the Entertainer and Bruce Campbell? And while the film is rather forgettable it still ends up being pretty entertaining while you're watching it. It's definitely not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be, and Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley actually worked quite well together in this rather silly comedy. 

All in all it's much more entertaining than Hurley's other attempt at a "romantic comedy" Bedazzled, which is really wasn't one, but neither is Serving Sara really much of one. Although, in the end it's no where near as corny as Bedazzled and managed to sustain my attention for the entire film so I'll be the second person on RT to give it a barely fresh rating.


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